اينك كتاب (شواهد النبوه) قبل ازاول تشريف آوري جناب پيغمبر اكرم صلي الله عليه و سلم به دنيا، حال و معجزه هايي كه در طول حيات شاهد ودليل نبوت اوبوده ، برعلاوه از اهل بيت، از اصحاب كرام او و بعضي تابعين ايشان ازمناقب و كرامات ايشان بحث مينمايد.از كتاب هاي بارزشي است كه در اين موضوع ومضمون نگاشته شده است.مولف آن عالم متبحر وولي بزرگ ملا جامي مشهور به مولانا عبدالرحمن جامي است. در ٨١٧ [١٤١٤ م.] در قصبه هرات تولدودر ٨٩٨ [١٤٩٢ م.] نيز در شهر هرات وفات نموده است.اينطبع او ازروي كتاب هاي مطبوع و نسخه هاي دست نويس بعدازمقابل تهيه ديده شده است. كتاب به فارسي است.
I need help of you to download an app which is play store
I love this Islamic books it really helps thank you and I need your help too
خالد بن شيخ جمعال
Thanks for making this program
Soumanou. Alassane
Livre de prière
Je suis vivement intéressé pour bien réussir mes salâts
ibra_@swenjas / ibrahimswaalehe
I love you becouse of Allah🙏 𝙼𝚊𝚢 𝙰𝚕𝚕𝚊𝚑 𝚖𝚎𝚎𝚝 𝚞𝚜 𝚊𝚐𝚊𝚒𝚗 𝚓𝚊𝚗𝚗𝚊𝚑.
Asma Habibti / wallahiamasma
I'm using your website. I appreciate what you are doing because in my country there are not many book shops that have Islamic books and if you buy them online they are too expensive.
May Allah blessings be upon you❤
Allah razı olsun ebeden daima🌹 Hizmetde daim eylesin.
Leila Roble
Endless bliss
Dim.. / diman_rm
it is a wonderful job👍 i will support you..
iamsmsaqib S.M.S
All is great with thr grace of ALLAH
I have gone through your website and stuff. But the problem is that your podcast that many people listen to is not in english. I have downloaded the ones in english and have been listening to them morning. On the part of the podcast it is easier to as it keeps on working in the background. If you resolve that then all is great with thr grace of ALLAH(SWT).
Assalamualikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu.
I have already visited your website and have all the books Alhamdulillah.
May Allah reward you-Ameen.