The bigotry of the religion reformers or bigots of science who surfaced lately to blame all previous scholars, basic fundamental beliefs or practices.
In this book, the heretical ideas of some reformers from outside Turkey, are set up in paragraphs, which they have written against Islam, and necessary answers are given to them. Thus, sixty-three paragraphs have been formed. ‘Reform’ means ‘to return something defiled to a former state, to correct.’ ‘Religion reformer’ means ‘he who renews, renovates the religion.’ Today, however, those bigots who try to change and demolish Islam from the inside call themselves “religion reformers’. Therefore, there are three groups of reformers in the religion which are told about in detail in the forty-second paragraph, in which it will be seen that it is wrong and out of place to use this word for Islam
I hope that the preaching, by distributing free digital books will be blessed by Allah.
Bamba Abdul-Hamid Umar
Thanks given
Thank you very much for such a wonderful work done, may Allah bless and protect you.
Bin AbdulKarim
What a great job.
Sally Sillah
Salat book.
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