The beginning of (The Sunni Path), the book by a statesman of the Ottoman Empire Ahmet Cevdet Pâşa (Ma’lûmat-ı Nâfia = Beneficial Information), gives a succinct information about how to believe in the religion of Islam and makes the classification of the science of Islam. Imâm-ı Gazâli, one of the greatest savants of Islam, briefly explains the explanations of Ahl-i-sunnat savants of the true religion of Islam preached by Muhammad ׳alayhissalâm.
In addition to this, the life of Imâm-ı A’zam Ebû Hanifa, a great Ahl-i-sunnat savant, is summarized in the book (The Sunni Path). Besides, given are an answer to the slanderers and an explanation to (How to be a True Muslim?).
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Amazing work Love it thank u very much for keeping it a public account.
Allah razı olsun ebeden daima🌹 Hizmetde daim eylesin.
Gül🌼 / cmrttt91gul
Your page is very nice 👍
La vie après la mort,d'imams ghazali
Salam aleikoum à toute et à tous.Vraiment vous êtes très généreux(es)et que Dieu le tt puissant vs bènisse et vs protège ctr satan,amine
iamsmsaqib S.M.S
All is great with thr grace of ALLAH
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