Various aspects of Hanafi Fiqh are explained, e.g., taharat, najasat, ghusl, wudu, tayammum, water, satr, women's covering themselves, adhan, iqamat, namaz, traveler's namaz, juma prayer, and music.
The Turkish original of the book Se’âdet-i Ebediyye consists of three parts, all of which add up to more than a thousand pages.
We have translated most of the book into English and have published six individual fascicles.
Se’âdet-i Ebediyye is a book prepared according to the Hanafî Madhhab. There is not a bit of knowledge or word which does not confirm the creed of the Ahl-i Sunnat and Jamâ’at in this book.
This is the fourth fascicle. We pray for the help of Allâhu ta’âlâ so that we may have it reach our dear readers.
Endless Bliss Links for all the fascicles :
Please click on the link you want to read or download !
Salam aleikoum à toute et à tous.Vraiment vous êtes très généreux(es)et que Dieu le tt puissant vs bènisse et vs protège ctr satan,amine
ibadisaidi440 / TEACHER IBADI
Tomorrow is Friday, as usual we will pray, we appreciate and cherish your presence Allah bless you open doors of livelihood, give you happiness and good health our beloved, peace, love, mercy of Allah be upon you. May Allah give you and all people around you peace , health happiness.