It is a translation of (Cevap Veremedi) into English. Harputlu Ishâk Effendi explains how the Bible - the true book revealed to Isa 'alaihis-salam - was distorted; how words that belonged to people were put into firstly written four Gospels; that the theory of trinity is erroneous; the belief of Tawhid (the unity of Allahu ta’ala) in Islam. Besides, a few very precious letters - a food of a soul by Muhammad Ma’sûm-î Fârûkî - take place. Information about Judaism, Torah and Talmud is also given.
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I love this Islamic books it really helps thank you and I need your help too
Cici Sutra Dela / citraarpan19_
I hope that the preaching, by distributing free digital books will be blessed by Allah.
دارين محمد 😘
القليوبيه مركز القناطر الخيريه 🫡
ما شاء الله تبارك الله
صنعاء بني الحارث الغراس
iamsmsaqib S.M.S
All is great with thr grace of ALLAH
I have gone through your website and stuff. But the problem is that your podcast that many people listen to is not in english. I have downloaded the ones in english and have been listening to them morning. On the part of the podcast it is easier to as it keeps on working in the background. If you resolve that then all is great with thr grace of ALLAH(SWT).
رضا قية
الوادي الجزائر
بارك الله جهودكم
Bamba Abdul-Hamid Umar
Thanks given
Thank you very much for such a wonderful work done, may Allah bless and protect you.
Amina Mohamed
Mohamed Ahmed
Sudan .Khartoum
It is great job Alla Bless you all. Keep on doing same